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Actualizare! Prelungirea suspendarii cursurilor fata-in-fata, incepand cu 18.05.2020
publicat: 2020-05-17

#StămAcasă - Sfaturi privind mişcarea şi nutriţia
publicat: 2020-04-14

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Mesaj de condoleante

My wife and I greatly regret the loss of Rector ION SMEDESCU, the "larger than life" founder of the Romanian-American University. I was fortunate to have met Dr. Smedescu in 1992 shortly after the founding of RAU. At that time, he invited me to present some lectures at the new university.
Later, in 2004, he again invited me to teach some classes at his new campus. I was very impressed with his new facilities and was delighted to teach again for him. Shortly thereafter, he "paved the way" for Professor Cristian Banacu and I to publish a bi-lingual book on Project Management that has been used to teach classes at RAU.
He always was a gracious host with a youthful frame of mind. We were in awe of his academic and administrative abilities. Along with thousands of RAU students, many UAH American greatly benfitted from his guidance. My last memory of him was at the culmination of our excellent Summer Study Abroad program in June, 2008, as he warmly congratulated our UAH and RAU students.

We ask God to continue to bless him in his newly elevated status.

James K. McCollum
Professor Emeritus
University of Alabama in Huntsville

© Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

Publicat la: 2008-10-07 (5018 citiri)

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